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St Paul (c.5–c.67)

Paul of Tarsus, also known as Saul, Paulus, and Saint Paul the Apostle, is widely considered to be central to the early development and spread of Christianity, particularly westward from Jerusalem. Many Christians view him as an important interpreter of the teachings of Jesus. Paul is described in the New Testament as a Hellenized Jew and Roman citizen from Tarsus in present day Turkey. He was a persistent persecutor of Early Christians, almost all of whom were Jewish or Jewish proselytes, until his experience on the Road to Damascus, which brought about his conversion to faith in Jesus as the Christ and the Son of God. After his baptism, Paul sojourned in Arabia (probably Nabataea) until joining the early Christian community in Jerusalem and staying with St. Peter for fifteen days (Galatians 1:13-18). Through his epistles to Gentile Christian communities, Paul articulated his position on the relationship between Jewish Christians, Gentile Christians, and the Mosaic Law.

From Wikipedia 

See also New Advent 


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