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Papaji (1910–1997)

H. W. L. Poonja [also known as Papaji] was born in Gujrunwala, in western Punjab, which is now Pakistan. His mother was the sister of Swami Rama Tirtha, one of the most famous saints of India. At the age of eight, it is said, he experienced his first samadhi, an altered state of unitary consciousness He led a normal life, married, raised two children and joined the army. But his love to God was so immense, that he decided to search for him. In 1944 he met his master, Sri Ramana Maharshi and he realized his Self in the presence of the master. In 1947 he went back to Lucknow to join his family. Ramana Maharshi let him go with the words: “I am with you wherever you are.” In the following years, Papaji earned money to support his family and travelled in India, Europe and North America. In 1966 he retired and went again back to Lucknow, India, where he received visitors from around the world. He died on September 6, 1997.

From Wikipedia 
See also Papaji 


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