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Jean Pierre de Caussade (1675–1751)

Jean Pierre de Caussade was born in France in 1675. In 1693 he became a Jesuit. His spirituality was influenced by St. Francis de Sales.

The writings by de Caussade that have been published as Abandonment to Divine Providence are in two unequal parts, the first containing a treatise on total abandonment to Divine Providence, and the second, letters of direction for persons leading a spiritual life.

The “Letters of Direction” were addressed to Nuns of the Visitation at Nancy. Fr. de Caussade had been stationed in this town for some time, and when later he was called away, his letters to the Nuns carried on the powerful influence he had exercised over them. They were treasured and preserved with religious care.

The leading idea in the letters is abandonment, complete and absolute, to Divine Providence. This was the mainspring of de Caussade’s own spiritual life, and the key-note of his direction of souls.

(Part of the above is abridged from Abandonment to Divine Providence, published by the Catholic Records Press in 1921)

Article by Richard Lang  


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