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New Book from Suzanne Visser

This book describes the discovery by the author of a real way out of this fix that is no escape. It doesn’t require accepting any beliefs on bad evidence but does ask us to re-visit the ground of our experience in a very radical and direct way. While spoken of, or sometimes only hinted at in many spiritual traditions, this return to primordial innocence requires us simply to “come to” right where we are as who we really are. If you've explored the world of non-duality teachings you'll have come across advice like this before, but may have found it confusing or impossible to follow. Join the club. Better than merely providing verbal advice, here Suzanne shares some very powerful tools – exercises and experiments to help trigger a shift in perception which can bring home to you the reality of what she writes, or perhaps I should say bring you Home to It.

Following a full and amazingly interesting life of seeking, Suzanne's relatively recent discovery of the work and approach of English philosopher Douglas Harding has proved to be a turning point her life as it has in mine.
Perhaps it will be for you too.

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